Alida - 27/11/16 -
Alida, a student at G.S. Muganza School in Southern Province, Rwanda and Head Teacher, Mr Vincent Ntakirutimana at Barnes Primary's partner school G.S. Rusuzumiro School offer their views on what the American election means to them and their fellow Rwandans. It turns out Trump is a household name there too.
Interview with Alida from Muganza School, Rwanda
Do people in your area care about the US election result?
Yes people do care. Some are happy about Donald Trump, others are not. Those who are unhappy are unhappy because of the words he used in his debates.
Will it have any impact on you and your family?
No, I don't think it will have an impact on me and my family because we don't have a direct relationship with him. In general terms, however, there might be a negative impact nationally, especially in terms of my country’s relationship with the US.
Which politician is popular in Rwanda at the moment and why?
Actually Trump and Clinton are the most popular politicians here at the moment! When you say Trump it makes you think of Clinton – the US election results surprised everyone! No-one imagined that Trump would actually win. I think Clinton’s name will start to disappear as soon as people await Trump’s next moves.
Interview with Head Teacher, Mr Vincent Ntakirutimana from G.S. Rusuzumiro School, Rwanda
Do we care about the US election result? We have two distinct views: Some people appreciate Trump's success, due to his political guidelines, while others are fearful of the future negative impact that may happen to our country.
Regarding the impact on myself and my family, unless the US President-Elect changes his political plans, I think there might be some negative impact on many African countries, e.g., political unrest. In particular, this relates to the resistance of some Chief of States who opt to change the constitution to benefit their vision for their country. The US President-Elect is planning to fight against our African leaders but who are the victims of this? The innocent people!
In Rwanda, the most popular politician is His Excellence Paul Kagame, the President. There are a number of projects and programmes set up in his name which also add to his fame, e.g., The Kagame Cup (football), One Cow per Family Program, and many others.
(Picture of teachers from Barnes Primary with Mr Ntakirutimana on a teacher training visit to share best practice - Rwanda July 2015).