When have you last seen a hedgehog? According to the People's Trust for Endangered Species and the British Trust for Ornithology, hedgehog numbers have dropped. It's thought that the number of hedgehogs decreases by five percent each year.
In another recent survey (December 2019), The UK hedgehog population, which stood at an estimated 30 million in the 1950s, is now down to about 1 million, with much of the decline in the past two decades, according to the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS).
An increase in badgers; they are the only animals that can unroll, kill and eat hedgehogs. Their numbers have extended by more than 85% since around 1985.
An increase in roads and traffic; collision with vehicles is one of the most common forms of mortality in hedgehog population.
Make a hole in your fence (it doesn't have to be big) so any local hedgehog can get through.
Leave food and water so it can eat and drink.
Don't cut any hedgerows and let your garden grow wild.
Other animals in our British countryside that are endangered are
The Scottish wildcat
The skylark
The small blue butterfly
The red squirrel.
We hope the government will ensure they get extra attention - and all of us - will make sure they continue to survive and thrive.
By Milena