Children's Mental Health Week was celebrated from the 4th - 10th of February, and the theme this year was Healthy: Inside and Out. The week is aimed at how we take care of both our minds and bodies.
Scott Lunn, from the NHS, explained why we must look after both our physical health and mental health. He said: 'Being healthy isn't just about looking after our bodies its about looking after our minds too. This is called mental health and is just as important as physical health. The two are connected; a healthy body strengthens the mind.'
'When we are experiencing emotions like anger, happiness or nervousness, our bodies show it too. If we angry, we may feel hot; if we are happy, we might feel energetic; if we are nervous, we might get butterflies in our tummy. This happens because blood moves away from the stomach to the brain, legs and arms in case you need to think or react quickly. That is how strong the link is between body and mind.'
To stay both physically and mentally healthy, you must try to eat a balanced diet with a good variety of foods, including fruit and vegetables. Food like sweets, biscuits and sugary drinks will make your sugar levels rise but then fall rapidly, leaving you feeling tired and irritable.
Being Active: Getting some exercise everyday will lead to a happy and healthy mind and along with an agile and fit body. Even ten minutes brisk walking or an hour of a favourite sport, can improve your alertness and/or energy mood.
Sleep: Getting enough sleep and not staying up late will help you feel better and more energised and attentive. Staying up late looking at a screen "can harm your sleeping patterns", says the National Sleep Foundation. The blue light that the screen emits may effect the hormone, known as melatonin, that helps you sleep. Before going to bed the doctors recommend at least an hour away from the screen.
Getting enough to eat: although vegetables and fruit are always portrayed as the best possible thing to eat, it is extremely important to have a balanced diet and indulge a mix of different foods, from all the different food groups: (dairy, vegetable, fruit and sweets)
We hope you follow our advice to stay healthy, 'Inside and Out,' and spread this information to your friends and family members.